The MOM area is the core element of digitization within manufacturing. Most of the ERP and PLM departments have already been expanded at a company, and possible optimization of manufacturing through automation has also been carried out. In this situation you need a connecting element between the enterprise applications and your plants and workers. This connection is made to the various solutions that you can use and combine to digitize your production.
Components of a MOM layer can be:
Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Quality Management System (QMS), Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) and Manufacturing Intelligence (MI), Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Monitoring, Reporting, Order Management, Process Production Data Collection (BDE), Machine Data Collection (MDE), shop floor connection (CONNECT) and others.
Wagner Informatik supports you in the process definition, implementation and individualization of your MOM solutions. We go the whole way with you, from the expansion of the first module to the complete expansion with integration into external systems. We offer process consulting in the entire discrete manufacturing industry.
The key to the success of a MOM implementation or expansion project lies in the holistic view of the end-to-end processes in the company and their consistent implementation. Aspects of harmonization and standardization play a key role here, alongside the consultants' practical experience. An isolated consideration of individual components does not lead to the exhaustion of all potentials that result, for example, from the closed loop manufacturing (CLM) approach. We think outside the box and already consider conditions from systems on other layers in the architecture.
Every company has its individual characteristics and thus also individual requirements for the software solutions within its own production. Based on our experience, we can already come up with best practice solutions in many areas and also rely on the expertise and experience of our partner Siemens.
Opcenter Execution Discrete (vormals bekannt als "Simatic IT Unified Architecture Discrete Manufacturing") ist ein spezielles Manufacturing Execution System, das sich an den Bedürfnissen des Marktes für die diskrete Industrie orientiert und sich auf die Herstellung von Einzelteilen in der Lohnfertigung und komplexe manuelle Montage konzentriert.
Some of your advantages with the products of the Siemens Opcenter portfolio
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The Siemens product range for your smart manufacturing.
As a Siemens Smart Expert Partner, we rely on the diverse functions of the Opcenter portfolio to implement our projects.