Siemens Teamcenter®

Siemens PLM Software

Siemens Teamcenter®

Teamcenter is a modern, adaptable product lifecycle management (PLM) system that connects people and processes across functional silos with a digital thread for innovation. The Teamcenter portfolio offers unparalleled breadth to help you address the diverse challenges associated with product development. Its simple, intuitive interface makes it easier than ever for individuals across the organization to participate in the product development process.

Teamcenter areas at Wagner Informatik GmbH

Our core competence

Teamcenter Manufacturing »

Our Core Competence

Many customers primarily use Teamcenter as a PLM solution in their engineering-driven processes. The transition to the logistics-focused ERP world occurs early on, either with the engineering bill of materials or, at the latest, with the production and plant-oriented Manufacturing BOM. For the final generation of a production order, only basic operations are defined, which complete the work plan in the ERP with the minimum necessary information. Technically detailed information continues to be maintained in separate Excel sheets. But why burden yourself with double the effort and redundant complexity?

We would like to highlight the clear advantages of early manufacturing planning within PLM and demonstrate how our customers are already benefiting from it. In this context, not only the initial creation of a work plan but also the development of work instructions and the early scheduling forecast play a crucial role in value generation. We are well-versed in this area and are eager to showcase our expertise in manufacturing.

Teamcenter Manufacturing »

Your Custom PLM System

Teamcenter makes it easy to manage your product data and processes, including 3D designs, electronics, embedded software, documentation, and bills of materials (BOM). Achieve a greater return on investment from your PLM system by sharing product information across multiple areas and departments, such as manufacturing, quality assurance, cost development, compliance, service, and the supply chain. Teamcenter is flexible and adapts to business changes, helping you meet all your product development challenges.

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Innovative and dynamic web interface through the modern framework in Active Workspace

To develop innovative products, companies today must tackle a variety of problems and business challenges. A key challenge is efficiently pooling and utilizing the resources of the extended enterprise to deliver the right products to the right markets at the right time.

Siemens Digital Industries Software, along with us as partners, has extensive experience in helping companies like yours get started with PDM software that can be expanded into PLM.

Teamcenter® is the world's most widely used PLM software, available either on-premises or in the cloud through our Teamcenter X Subscription-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering. Take control of your product information and processes with PDM today and grow with PLM to meet your needs tomorrow.

Change Management

BOM Management

Document Management

NX Integration

Teamcenter® Quality

The Siemens Quality offering on the Teamcenter collaboration platform provides numerous benefits for customers by closing the loop between engineering, manufacturing, and quality management. Teamcenter Quality synchronizes product development, quality planning, and continuous improvement processes, maximizing the value of Teamcenter's change management and configuration management capabilities.

With our expertise, we support your Teamcenter projects with the following services:

  • Definition and Documentation of Processes in Teamcenter projects based on UML, e.g., in Enterprise Architect (EA)
  • Design and Implementation of Business Objects and Processes using BMIDE
  • Design and Implementation of Teamcenter Role Concepts
  • Creation of Specifications/Detail Specifications in the areas of Material Master, Vendor Management, and Manufacturing
  • Teamcenter Training
  • Test-Management
  • Deployment of Teamcenter Solutions (Hot Deploys, Service Packs, etc.)
  • International Rollouts
  • Go-Live, Post-Go-Live, and Hypercare Support
  • Development of Workflow Scenarios and Workflow Handlers
  • Variant Management / Configuration Management
  • PLM Manufacturing


TEAMCENTER: PLM comprehensive, simple, fast [DE]

Numerous decisions must be made to create products. Products are becoming increasingly complex, which is why mechanics, software and electronics must work together optimally. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) can bring together all the required product information and processes in a centralized system. With a system-driven approach to product development, you can standardize your product lifecycle. Siemens Teamcenter offers comprehensive, simple and fast PLM.

First steps towards product data management [DE]

Product data management (PDM) enables companies to manage all their product and process-related knowledge in a single, secure, yet highly accessible system that can be used by multiple applications and multiple teams within the company. A PDM system can coordinate and synchronize product information assets. Choosing the right PDM system provides companies with a solid foundation that can be expanded to a full product lifecycle management (PLM) platform at their discretion.

Blog posts about #Teamcenter

Nahtlose Zusammenarbeit zwischen Siemens und SAP bei Produktentwicklung und Fertigung
by Carolin Blauermel 20 December 2024
Nahtlose Zusammenarbeit zwischen Siemens und SAP bei Produktentwicklung und Fertigung mit T4ST und PLMSI
„Durchgängiges Engineering“ am Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Produktionssystematik
by Thomas Schwald 13 September 2024
Im Rahmen des Hochschulpraktikums „Durchgängiges Engineering“ am Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Produktionssystematik (FAPS) der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) hatten wir von Wagner Informatik die Möglichkeit einen Gastvortrag zu halten. Das Praktikum, geleitet von Florian Faltus, vermittelt den Studierenden anhand praxisnaher Beispiele, wie ein durchgängiges Systems Engineering von der Anforderungsspezifikation bis zur virtuellen Inbetriebnahme umgesetzt wird.
PLM Messe Seeheim 2024 - Vortrag Marco Hick
by Marco Hick 10 June 2024
Zahlreiche Kunden setzen Teamcenter als PLM-Lösung in Ihren vom Engineering getriebenen Prozessen ein. Der Absprung in die logistisch fokussierte ERP-Welt erfolgt bereits frühzeitig mit der Engineering Stückliste oder spätestens mit der produktions- und werksorientierten Manufacturing BOM. Zur abschließenden Generierung eines Fertigungsauftrags werden lediglich rudimentäre Operationen definiert, die den Arbeitsplan im ERP mit dem Minimum an Informationen vervollständigen. Technisch orientierte Detailierungsgrade werden weiterhin in separaten Excel-Listen geführt. Doch warum der doppelte Aufwand? Auf Basis eines kundenorientierten Praxisbeispiels, möchten wir zeigen, dass es auch anders sein kann. Wir möchten die klaren Vorteile einer frühzeitigen Generierung eines Arbeitsplans im PLM hervorheben und zeigen, wie „easy“ das unseren Kunden bereits gelingt. Und dabei spielen neben der initialen Anlage auch entscheidende Aspekte, wie die Erstellung von Arbeitsanweisungen und die frühzeitige Austaktungsprognose ein
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