Opcenter™ Intelligence

Siemens Opcenter Software

Opcenter™ Intelligence

Opcenter Intelligence expands Siemens' MOM portfolio by providing the ability to apply analysis and reporting techniques to operational and business data at the location, regional and global level.

Opcenter Intelligence integrates, connects and unifies data sources - such as Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), Enterprise Resource Management (ERP), MES, QMS, APS and others - in an accessible analytical data model that offers the possibility to examine and break down context-related data.

Opcenter Intelligence is used in the factory at the company level to improve collaboration and data exchange between the factory floor and the company systems, and at the company level to compare and compare production runs or to predict different plant operations.

Because data from different sources is combined, it can be put into a new context or aggregated to give users a different and broader view of operations, regardless of where the data came from. Opcenter Intelligence offers flexible reporting and analysis tools that enable companies to present data to the right people and with the appropriate visualization for various use cases: paginated reports, operational dashboards, analytics and analytics dashboards.

Function overview

A unified platform for operational and corporate data offers a common vision throughout the company

• Governance and data integration for the MOM ecosystem

  • Analytical data model for manufacturing based on standards (ISA-95)
  • Project management and automatic delivery functions
  • Out-of-the-box configuration that enables dedicated industry functionalities

• Self-service data management to meet new business needs

  • Data model extension for any data from third-party providers
  • Automatic data management
  • No IT skills required

• Self-service analytics allow anyone to analyze and discover new business value

  • Historical and near real-time data analysis

Features in Opcenter Intelligence:

  • Improve collaboration and transparency across business silos
  • Increase the efficiency and productivity of your production and management
  • Gain security for make-or-buy decisions
  • Increase your delivery reliability through a deeper insight into current production
  • Benefit from continuously updated information. Old data sets with subsequent incorrect decisions can thus be avoided


Opcenter Intelligence [EN]

Process visibility, faster and more up-to-date decision making enables global performance excellence.

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